Celebrating My 14th Wedding Anniversary: 14 Years of Growth, Love and resilience

16 November 2024by coachblessedabby.com0

Today marks 14 years of marriage for my husband and I.

Our journey has been rich with love, laughter, and yes, challenges that tested our commitment to one another.

As a life and mindset coach dedicated to holistic wellness, I have seen how often couples reach a point where
walking away seems easier than working through the issues.

It is in these moments, though, that we have the opportunity to rebuild, reconnect, and rediscover the core of our love.

I am personally grateful that my husband and I have chosen over the years to work on our marriage.
Our efforts have proven to be fruitful.

Marriage, like life, is a journey of growth. Over the years, I have learned that every challenge
we face is an invitation to deepen our understanding and appreciation of each other.


During times of miscommunication or frustration, I have leaned into the tools I now teach:

  • mindfulness,
  • empathy, and
  • intentional dialogue.

These practices are not always easy, but they have made all the difference in navigating rough patches and finding a renewed sense of purpose for us as a couple.

When my father recently passed away, my husband’s support reminded me of the depth that is
built through years of shared experiences, highs and lows alike.

In every marriage, each hardship is an opportunity to strengthen the relationship and reaffirm the commitment to be there for each other—especially when it is most difficult.

Over time, we have learnt that we are better and stronger together.

If you’re feeling worn down in your relationship, know that you’re not alone. It is entirely
normal to question whether it is worth the effort.

My advice?

    • Take a moment to reflect on what brought you together in the first place.
    • Revisit your shared dreams and values, and
    • Consider where your relationship could go if you both invested your energy into healing and

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person”, M.

Together, we’ll work on letting go of resentment as we embrace unconditional forgiveness, address childhood patterns that affect
marriages negatively, improving communication, and rekindling the joy and passion that
brought you together.

Let’s walk this path toward a stronger, more fulfilling marriage. Every relationship is a work in
progress, and with the right mindset and tools, the challenges you face today can become the
stepping stones to a beautiful, resilient marriage.


every struggle in your marriage is going to be a story someday. Its either going to
be a story of how you became stronger, grew in faith and leaned on each other or how you
gave up.

You have the opportunity to choose your after-story.

Let us work together to create more success stories in marriages.

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