Towards the end of 2024, my son had an opportunity to participate in the Wavumbuzi
Entrepreneurship Challenge which runs in schools in Kenya. To my surprise, he wasn’t as
excited as I expected. He was afraid of trying because he thought he would fail. I challenged him
to try because not trying would haunt him for the rest of his life. To our surprise, he won an
award! He emerged as the best in his category in the whole country.

The lesson learned was that the fear of not trying is worse than the fear of failure and that the pain of not trying haunts more.

Let’s look at fear vs. dreams; which one should we allow to drive us?

Between Fear and Dreams: Which One Leads Your Life?

Every day, we face a silent battle between our fears and dreams. These two forces influence our
thoughts, decisions, and ultimately, the trajectory of our lives. Fear warns us of potential failure,
rejection, or uncertainty, while dreams ignite a fire of possibilities and inspire us to chase
something greater.

The question is: which one holds more power over you?

As a life coach, I often meet individuals who are stuck because they are paralyzed by fear causing them to sleep on
their dreams.
Fear is an inherent part of the human experience, designed to protect us from danger. It kept
natives safe. However, in our modern lives, it often goes beyond physical threats and manifests
as the fear of failure.

The fear of trying often outweighs the fear of failure. Why? Because trying
means stepping into the unknown. It requires courage to risk discomfort, judgment, and
vulnerability. It’s easier to stay in the safety of inaction, convincing ourselves that avoiding
failure is better than experiencing it. But is it?

The fear of trying keeps us stagnant. It prevents us from even taking the first step toward
our dreams.
The fear of failure, though intimidating, is at least evidence of effort. It shows that you dared to
take action, to put yourself out there to risk the unknown. Failure can be a stepping stone,
offering lessons and insights that bring you closer to your goals. On the other hand, the fear of
trying robs you of that opportunity altogether. It chains you to the sidelines, leaving you to

What if I had tried

On the other hand, dreams thrive when we dare to act despite fear. Trying, even in the face of
uncertainty, transforms us. The fear doesn’t go but we try anyway. Every step taken toward our
dreams strengthens our resolve and expands our comfort zone.

When it happens, failure becomes a stepping stone, offering valuable lessons and growth. It’s not the end of the road; it’s a detour
toward success.

The battle between fear and dreams often comes down to perspective. Fear magnifies risks,
focusing our attention on everything that could go wrong.

Dreams, however, offer a broader view, highlighting the rewards of persistence and growth. To let dreams lead, we must shift our
mindset. The question isn’t whether you’ll encounter challenges—you will.

The real question is:
will you let the fear of trying keep you grounded, or will you trust your dreams enough to try?


 Acknowledge fear, but don’t let it rule you. Fear is a natural response, but it’s not a
final verdict. Recognize it, but choose to act despite it.

 Reframe failure as feedback. Every failure holds a lesson. Each misstep teaches you
something valuable about yourself, your process, or your goals.

 Prioritize your ‘why.’ When your purpose is stronger than your fear, you gain the
courage to move forward.

The truth is, fear and dreams will always coexist, but only one can take the lead. By
choosing to focus on your dreams, you give yourself the chance to grow, learn, and live a life of

So, as you reflect on your own life, ask yourself: Are you letting fear dictate your choices, or are you empowering your dreams to lead the way?

The fear of trying may seem protective, but it’s often the greatest thief of your potential. Remember, the fear of trying is
the only fear that guarantees you’ll never reach your dreams.
Choose wisely, because between your fears and dreams, only one can define your story.

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